This Week’s Peanut Gallery
These Peanut Gallery posts are where we put up whatever we’ve found around the web responding to the latest BOB news. Be sure to let us know in the comments if we’ve missed yours and we will either add it here or put in our next Peanut Gallery post.
Our very own Shelley Diaz has written some terrific articles about this year’s Battle:
- SLJ’s Battle of the Kids’ Books Battle Plans and Brackets Revealed
- A Fight to the End Paper: SLJ’s Battle of the Kids’ Books 2015
- SLJ’s Seventh Annual Battle of the Kids’ Books 2015 Contenders Announced
- And, best of all, a very special Extra Helping Newsletter, full of information about the Bob, its Contenders, and Judges.
- Also check out her Tips for Creating Your Own BoB from last year.
And here are some tweeted responses (with handles and links edited out):
Brandy Round One not causing me much angst. Yay. Round Two could though though.
AnninaLuckWildermuth For #fridayreads I’m starting A VOLCANO BENEATH THE SNOW Want to read all the #sljbob books :))
Shelley (Diaz) Vale Working on @SLJsBoB has cemented a fact I long believed to be true. Authors are just some of the best people, ever #sljbob
AnninaLuckWildermuth Reading Jack Gantos’ THE KEY THAT SWALLOWED JOEY PIGZA for #fridayreads & #sljbob Love the cover by Lane Smith too.
Erica Bretall So far my pick to win this year’s Battle of the Kids’ Books is Brown Girl Dreaming
Jennifer Jazwinski Well, I guessed 10 out of 16 of @SLJsBoB Battle of the Books list this year. I’ve done better, but I’ve done worse too!
- Heather Jessen Intense! @sljournal‘s Battle of the Books has revealed competition brackets. Glad I’m not a judge!
- Christine Heppermann Up against Christopher Paul “The Madman” Curtis in Battle of the Books!
Travis Jonker This will be fun. 2015 Battle of the Kids’ Books Battle Plans and Brackets Unveiled
Amy Gibson May the best book win! SLJ’s Battle of the Kids’ Books 2015
Filed under: 2015, Peanut Gallery

About Battle Commander
The Battle Commander is the nom de guerre for children’s literature enthusiasts Monica Edinger and Roxanne Hsu Feldman, fourth grade teacher and middle school librarian at the Dalton School in New York City and Jonathan Hunt, the County Schools Librarian at the San Diego County Office of Education. All three have served on the Newbery Committee as well as other book selection and award committees. They are also published authors of books, articles, and reviews in publications such as the New York Times, School Library Journal, and the Horn Book Magazine. You can find Monica at educating alice and on twitter as @medinger. Roxanne is at Fairrosa Cyber Library and on twitter as @fairrosa. Jonathan can be reached at
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