The Undead Poll is Now Open
Worried about your favorite contender’s chances in the Battle? Here’s what you can do to help.
The previously-eliminated contender that receives the most votes will be dug out of the grave to join the two other finalists for the closing round judged by the Honorable Ann M. Martin.
So vote for your favorite and by all means campaign for your favorite right here. After all, a certain scientist had a lot of success doing just that in 2010.
The poll will be open until March 6th and we will announce the winner on March 29th. So think carefully. Who do YOU want in the final round?
Don’t see the form embedded above? Visit this link …

About Battle Commander
The Battle Commander is the nom de guerre for children’s literature enthusiasts Monica Edinger and Roxanne Hsu Feldman, fourth grade teacher and middle school librarian at the Dalton School in New York City and Jonathan Hunt, the County Schools Librarian at the San Diego County Office of Education. All three have served on the Newbery Committee as well as other book selection and award committees. They are also published authors of books, articles, and reviews in publications such as the New York Times, School Library Journal, and the Horn Book Magazine. You can find Monica at educating alice and on twitter as @medinger. Roxanne is at Fairrosa Cyber Library and on twitter as @fairrosa. Jonathan can be reached at
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