100 Scope Notes
Teen Librarian Toolbox
by Amanda MacGregor
A Fuse #8 Production
by Betsy Bird
February 26, 2013 by Peter Gutierrez
Teenagers feel uncomfortable with the foreign setting, the emphasis on character and plot development. Yet, as students become engrossed in the story, they surrender to the “foreignness”...
November 14, 2012 by Peter Gutierrez
In short, yes, bow ties really are cool.
September 13, 2012 by Peter Gutierrez
It’s the asking of tricky questions, not the providing of pat, politically-correct answers, that builds lifelong habits of mind in students.
September 6, 2012 by Peter Gutierrez
If our job as educators is to engage the hearts and minds of our students I can think of no better pop cultural text than "This American Life" to uncover the silly, strange, and sublime states of the human condition with our students.
August 3, 2012 by Peter Gutierrez
"Every time I see a vehicle broken down on the side of the road, I reflect on what a truly terrible idea flying cars would be. That’s not a promise I seriously want kept."
August 1, 2012 by Peter Gutierrez
"Comic books are really a different product now, less intended for kids than the adults they grew into."
May 7, 2012 by Peter Gutierrez
"In the aggregate, we get the media we deserve, the good, the bad, the ugly. And no one likes to feel responsible for it."