A Fuse #8 Production
October 27, 2012 by Peter Gutierrez
" I can see where it's alarming to see your kid looking like a corpse, but it's all part of rebellion, of saying the "regular" world of mortgages and wars and nuclear meltdown frightens them and they want to distance themselves from it..."
October 21, 2012 by Peter Gutierrez
The tendency is to group fictional treatments of pop culture archetypes such as zombies with similar texts of fiction, but actually non-fiction texts such as this one can be far more reflective of fandom-based learning...
September 21, 2012 by Peter Gutierrez
Encourage students to analyze panels closely to determine how the visuals work with the text. Ask: Where do they clarify information? Where do they expand upon it? Where do they represent a parallel track of information?
September 19, 2012 by Peter Gutierrez
Skills and teaching topics covered in this post include visual literacy, nonfiction, genre, and transliteracy...
August 3, 2012 by Peter Gutierrez
"Every time I see a vehicle broken down on the side of the road, I reflect on what a truly terrible idea flying cars would be. That’s not a promise I seriously want kept."
August 1, 2012 by Peter Gutierrez
"Comic books are really a different product now, less intended for kids than the adults they grew into."
May 7, 2012 by Peter Gutierrez
"In the aggregate, we get the media we deserve, the good, the bad, the ugly. And no one likes to feel responsible for it."