100 Scope Notes
A Fuse #8 Production
by Betsy Bird
April 21, 2015 by Joyce Valenza
Make sure they don’t cut her hair! That advice came this morning during a session on sharing non-traditional library items and collections here at NJLA. Megan England of Atlantic City Free Public Library and Alia Shields of Cherry Hill Public shared their journeys, and all their resources, related to sharing creatively with communities. They now […]
March 1, 2015 by Joyce Valenza
In my job teaching new librarians, mostly online, I get to meet new professionals from around the country, some from around the world, some who are utterly unsure where their first professional job will take them. Though I am very familiar with the state resources of PA, and I am getting to know those of […]
September 25, 2011 by Joyce Valenza
What I loved about the past three days at the SLJ Summit in Arlington, was the blend. The discussion was reading, and we discussed reading in all its glorious traditional and emerging formats. Forward-thinking practicing librarians interacted with other reading passionate stakeholders–an array of authors, illustrators, researchers, publishers, distributors, developers, content aggregators, school administrators, and […]