Good Comics for Kids
A Fuse #8 Production
by Betsy Bird
June 7, 2014 by Joyce Valenza
I am nearing the end of my visit to Australia where I was honored to speak and offer a MasterClass at EduTECH 2014. Among the nine strands offered was the K12 Library Managers Congress where I met and reconnected with movers and shakers who are rethinking library, engaging learners, and inspiring each other. I hope […]
May 13, 2014 by Joyce Valenza
PowerPoint is robust and Google Presentations is very sweet for collaboration, but some of us simply crave beautiful new design options for our presentations and publications. Here are four worthy options, and another one about to be born. Canva allows its users to create beautiful slides, posters, Pinterest covers and headers for Facebook and Twitter […]
March 4, 2014 by Joyce Valenza
If you were busy doing anything else last night, lucky for you this particular TLCafé was archived. (Well, they all are.) But, last night Shannon Miller and Carolyn Foote were truly inspirational as they discussed their own experiences and shared images about rethinking and improving the space we call library. Tiffany Whitehead moderated expertly. Our […]
June 29, 2011 by Joyce Valenza
Data is the new soil. Because for me, it feels like a fertile, creative medium. You know, over the years, online, we’ve laid down a huge amount of information and data, and we irrigate it with networks and connectivity, and it’s been worked and tilled by unpaid workers and governments. . . But it’s a […]
April 16, 2011 by Joyce Valenza
We’re getting a little fussier about the way our stuff looks. My students and I are coming to the realization that this read/write web thing makes us all not only writers, but designers as well. I am collecting a full range of tools on our New Tools Guide, but I thought I share just a […]