What Are We Doing Here?

It’s September, and that means we are relaunching for reals!
Welcome to Someday My Printz Will Come, where we kiss—I mean read!—all the frogs in the pond.
In case you just landed here — and welcome, if so! — here’s how it’s goes: we’re going to read. We’re going to write. We’re going to scour other blogs, bookstores, review journals, and our friend’s and colleague’s brains. We’re going to listen to you. And each week we’ll talk about some of this year’s eligible titles, or the conversations around those titles. We’ll do our best to bring you the kinds of conversations and reflections committee members might be having. We’ll gush, we’ll analyze, we’ll split hairs and and appreciate the amazing variety and wealth published in YA this year.
Hopefully, you’ll join the conversation too!
And eventually, we’ll test our assessments and predictive skills with a Pyrite Printz. It’s never too soon to start building a case, so get out those sticky notes and start collating evidence for the books on your shortlist, because we’ve already started.
Pucker up and join the fun!
Filed under: Housekeeping
About Karyn Silverman
Karyn Silverman is the High School Librarian and Educational Technology Department Chair at LREI, Little Red School House & Elisabeth Irwin High School (say that ten times fast!). Karyn has served on YALSA’s Quick Picks and Best Books committees and was a member of the 2009 Printz committee. She has reviewed for Kirkus and School Library Journal. She has a lot of opinions about almost everything, as long as all the things are books. Said opinions do not reflect the attitudes or opinions of SLJ, LREI, YALSA or any other institutions with which she is affiliated. Find her on Twitter @InfoWitch or e-mail her at karynsilverman at gmail dot com.
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