The Yarn
November 14, 2016 by Karyn Silverman
Hello! It’s roundup time, today focused on contendas for awards other than the Printz. One of these awards is a real actual award, the William C. Morris YA Debut Award; the other is imaginary but no less real in my heart. The Morris you all know about, of course, and we’ve been covering several debut/Morris […]
October 19, 2016 by Joy Piedmont
Essential Maps for the Lost, Deb Caletti Simon Pulse, April 2016 Reviewed from ARC Girl meets boy. Boy loves girl. Well actually, girl finds the boy’s dead mother in a lake first. This isn’t your typical love story with a slice of grief. Deb Caletti hits all the targets for a melancholy teen romance without […]
October 12, 2016 by Joy Piedmont
When we start to compile our list of books to cover, authors who have a previous Printz win or honor are automatically added to the list. We also give serious consideration to writers with wins or honors from other important ALA Youth Media Awards. Of course, the logic is that a previous winner has a […]
October 5, 2016 by Joy Piedmont
The two books we’re talking about this morning might as well be graphic novel siblings. They share a lot of details in common: both are published by First Second, Canadian authors, 3 stars, action-hero female protagonists, male protagonists who drive themselves to exhaustion trying to keep up, and both are part of a larger serialized story. Even the […]