100 Scope Notes
A Fuse #8 Production
by Betsy Bird
Teen Librarian Toolbox
by Amanda MacGregor
October 27, 2015 by Karyn Silverman
Yesterday we gave you a twofold twofer: two titles with potential for both Printz and Newbery. Today we’re back with another, Roller Girl, in what looks like it might be a weeklong series. Let’s get to it!
October 21, 2015 by Karyn Silverman
As previously mentioned, time is short and books are many. So for today, two books that don’t actually belong in a joint post, brought to you by the color red and the letter D: The Dead I Know and Dime.
October 5, 2015 by Karyn Silverman
Simon VS the Homo Sapiens Agenda, Becky Albertalli Balzer + Bray, April 2015 Reviewed from ARC Boys Don’t Knit, T.S. Easton Feiwel and Friends, March 2015 Reviewed from final copy It’s a twofer Monday, today, with two delightfully warm, funny, and frankly tender tales of boys grappling with what it means to be a boy, […]
September 30, 2015 by Joy Piedmont
Mosquitoland, David Arnold Viking, March 2015 Reviewed from final copy There are major spoilers ahead so if you don’t want to know major plot points for Mosquitoland proceed with caution. At a certain point in one’s reading life, first person narration immediately triggers suspicion of an unreliable narrator. It’s not a terrible starting point because […]
September 28, 2015 by Karyn Silverman
The Walls Around Us, Nova Ren Suma Algonquin Books for Young Readers, March 2015 Reviewed from final e-copy Finally! In The Walls Around Us, Suma has delivered the book I wanted back when I first read Imaginary Girls. It’s got the good stuff I knew to expect — her wordsmithing really is excellent (my notes […]
September 26, 2015 by Sarah Couri
The Tightrope Walkers by David Almond Candlewick, March 2015 Reviewed from an ARC Oh, I am conflicted about this one. This is gorgeous, gorgeous writing — even the first line pulls you in and lets you know that you’re in for something unusual here (“I was born in a hovel on the banks of the […]
September 21, 2015 by Karyn Silverman
Razorhurst, Justine Larbalestier Soho Teen, March 2015 Reviewed from final e-copy This seems to be a divisive book. It picked up four stars right out of the gate, but in conversation with readers (mostly librarians), I’ve found the majority didn’t love it, although not necessarily for reasons that matter for Printz. It’s a genre-blender — […]