Good Comics for Kids
The Classroom Bookshelf
by Denise Davila
June 10, 2012 by Someday
Karyn: So, I’ve been hearing from a lot of folks about how this is a GREAT year, and with so many excellent books, how will the committees ever narrow it down. I’m… not sure I agree. I mean, there are lots of really good books out this year, but not a lot that I’m feeling […]
April 2, 2012 by Karyn Silverman
Well, we all know THE FAULT IN OUR STARS is THE book of the year (so far!). When did we last have a contemporary, realistic fiction title with this much buzz and prepub excitement? It probably goes without saying, but if you are the one person who hasn’t read it yet, be sure to get […]
November 24, 2011 by Sarah Couri
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! YALSA’s final nomination lists were posted last week. We thought it’d be interesting to see what we are looking at here versus what Best Fiction for Young Adults and Great Graphic Novels will be checking out in January. (I am leaving Quick Picks off because the QP charge is so dissimilar to […]
November 15, 2011 by Karyn Silverman
Not those games, although every other conversation I had today was about the Hunger Games trailer. No, I mean the annual best books game. The lists! The awards! The moments of truth! And (my favorite), the Monday morning quarterbacking. But I’m getting ahead of myself. We’re just at the very beginning of the process.
October 21, 2011 by Sarah Couri
Reading is an immensely personal experience. Except when it isn’t. This conundrum is at the heart of reading for a committee, or list, or award. We talk about this a lot. Today, we will talk (in full paragraphs!) here, so that everyone knows what’s going on in our heads and can chime in. Karyn: A […]
October 14, 2011 by Karyn Silverman
Blink & Caution has received stars from Kirkus and SLJ, and PW, a 5Q/4P from VOYA (per Books in Print), and the Boston Globe-Horn Book Award, plus it was just named a finalist for the Canada Council for the Arts Governor General’s Literary Awards. So, you know, this book is no slouch. And let’s get […]
October 10, 2011 by Karyn Silverman
That pile? That’s what it looks like when you are on a committee. Every day. (I still reflexively check every package that arrives at school, conditioned by years of book committees. I think I got hooked on the rush. The packages are rarely for me anymore, but somehow, two years later, I still live in […]