Heavy Medal
Heavy Medal
by Emily Mroczek-Bayci
A Fuse #8 Production
by Betsy Bird
July 17, 2013 by Peter Gutierrez
Do young fanfiction authors seek the kind of feedback that educators would find “useful” in K-12 settings, and are fanfiction communities really the nurturing environments of peer-critique that some make them out to be?
July 16, 2013 by Peter Gutierrez
Student sports fans (in this case, baseball fans specifically) can leverage their outside-of-school literacies to comprehend and appreciate the sophisticated cartoons and high-level text.
July 16, 2013 by Peter Gutierrez
"We can look at cosplay as a medium that assists other media, anime and manga, by targeting a certain audience segment related to fandom."
July 15, 2013 by Peter Gutierrez
"The key idea is actually a media literacy one related to representation: no one in real life actually looks like an anime or manga character."
June 30, 2013 by Peter Gutierrez
These posters' apparently value-free aspect is perhaps what's most worth exploring with young people...
June 28, 2013 by Peter Gutierrez
It's okay to find the villain appealing in certain respects—in fact, much of pop culture depends on our doing just that.
June 23, 2013 by Peter Gutierrez
Media literacy discussion points covering novel-to-film adaptations, marketing, genre, screen violence, and more.