The Classroom Bookshelf
A Fuse #8 Production
by Betsy Bird
February 12, 2013 by Peter Gutierrez
There’s a danger when you spend a long, long time in the media literacy game...
December 10, 2012 by Peter Gutierrez
A year ago, I wouldn’t have considered examining trailers in a reading group...
October 24, 2012 by Peter Gutierrez
"The zombie consciousness reflects the perfect expression of equal rights in society. There is no difference between boys and the girls in this world—hunger is the organizing principle."
October 2, 2012 by Peter Gutierrez
Some time has passed since I posted part one and part two of this series, so by way of reminder, we’re not just taking a look at recent graphic titles of merit and how they align with core curriculum but also with media literacy, visual literacy, and similar topics. Uncle Scrooge: “Only a Poor Old […]
September 25, 2012 by Peter Gutierrez
Here are some questions you can ask fans -- questions designed to extend the critical thinking they’re most likely already engaged in...
September 24, 2012 by Peter Gutierrez
"I never found Godzilla attractive."
September 13, 2012 by Peter Gutierrez
It’s the asking of tricky questions, not the providing of pat, politically-correct answers, that builds lifelong habits of mind in students.