Heavy Medal
June 23, 2013 by Peter Gutierrez
Media literacy discussion points covering novel-to-film adaptations, marketing, genre, screen violence, and more.
June 4, 2013 by Peter Gutierrez
I guess there was some cosplay going on, but most participating attendees chose to dress up as publishing executives for some reason.
May 22, 2013 by Peter Gutierrez
So does this sound like something that could get the teen and tween comics fans you know into nonfiction? Sure it does.
April 13, 2013 by Peter Gutierrez
Alfred Green’s 1950 film, made at the height of Robinson’s career, is in the public domain...
February 22, 2013 by Peter Gutierrez
Just in case you missed this gallery of reimagined posters for the Best Picture Oscar nominees when College Humor debuted it last month...
February 20, 2013 by Peter Gutierrez
"I think it's a tragedy that most of today's textbooks completely ignore media and the important process of scriptwriting."
February 18, 2013 by Peter Gutierrez
"Yes: I think it is fair, appropriate and altogether fitting that we share our passion for media. I think a great question to ask anyone and to demand an answer to is: why are you a fan of __(fill in the blank)_?"