The first live #AASLstandards Twitter chat is coming!
Please help spread the word and please save the date (actually the hour) for a first live Twitter chat in anticipation of the launch of AASL’s National School Library Standards, prior to their official release at National Conference in Phoenix.
Plan to join members of the Editorial Board and Implementation Taskforce on Twitter from 7:00 till 8:00 P.M. Eastern on Monday, September 18. Follow the hashtag #AASLstandards during that hour and please contribute to the conversation.
During the hour, we will be our begin to unpack and interpret AASL’s new common beliefs and shared foundations, in informal conversation and sharing. We hope to engage many members of our community, as well as our stakeholder friends.
And the committee will archive your brainstorming, your best ideas, your resources and your links from this and future social media events.
The launch of the National School Library Standards in Phoenix, Arizona will include pre-conferences, a dedicated general session, an Unconference (for which the committee is seeking volunteers) and multiple concurrent sessions. Conference attendees can pre-order their copy of the full publication through October 12 and pick it up onsite.
The moderators for this first chat will be: me (@joycevalenza), Sara Kelly Johns (@skjohns), Kathy Mansfield (@akmansfield), Judy Deichman (@nms_library) and Maureen Schlosser (@MaureenSchlosse).
Additional Twitter chats will be scheduled and AASL hopes you will plan to be part of those as well.
For more information about common beliefs and shared foundations prior to the chat, check out the following:
- On the Horizon: New Standards to Dawn at AASL 2017 by AASL Standards and Guidelines Editorial Board Chair, Marcia Mardis (pages 48-51)
- Implementation Task Force: A Broad Timeline by AASL Implementation Task Force Chair, Mary Keeling (pages 52-54)
- Anticipation! New School Year, New National School Standards, by Marcia Mardis and Mary Keeling
So, what is a live Twitter chat? In case you are new to live Twitter chats, here’s a little background.
A live Twitter chat is a synchronous event, a conversation focused on a single topic of group interest and moderated by someone or a team from the community. During the course of an established time, usually an hour, participants’ discussion filters through a single conversation hashtag. (In our case #AASLstandards.)
How do you participate?
All you need to do as a participant is to tweet during the course of the next hour using our conversation hashtag, #aaslstandards. Or, you may choose to simply follow the conversation by searching the hashtag without engaging. We really hope you will want to share!
[Note: As a courtesy, you may want to tweet to your Twitter followers, “During the next hour I will be tweeting in a live chat . . . .” and use the name/hashtag if you want to share it.]
Join us for the chat. Let me know if you’d like to be part of the Unconference team!
And please feel free to share this post!
Filed under: #AASLstandards, aasl, standards, twitter, twitter chats
About Joyce Valenza
Joyce is an Assistant Professor of Teaching at Rutgers University School of Information and Communication, a technology writer, speaker, blogger and learner. Follow her on Twitter: @joycevalenza
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