Teen Librarian Toolbox
August 19, 2013 by Joyce Valenza
Everything you do now ends up in your permanent record. The best plan is to overload Google with a long tail of good stuff and to always act as if you’re on Candid Camera, because you are. Seth Godin, Permanent Branding in the Age of Google I think a lot about the fact that so […]
May 17, 2013 by Joyce Valenza
The deposit checks are in the mail but the college buzz is buzzier than ever. Having survived the arduous college admissions process, our seniors are now taking full advantage of their opportunities to negotiate the social landcape of their newly selected school well before they land on campus in late August. They are so much […]
January 12, 2012 by Joyce Valenza
Sometimes you’ve got to sit on a day for a bit before you realize how interesting it was. Yesterday was one of those days. Ordinary. But lying in bed, desperately trying to come up with one special thing to blog about, I realized that maybe it was the day as a whole–a slice of school […]