Heavy Medal
November 23, 2014 by Joyce Valenza
If, like me, you are a victim of the paralysis of driveway moments . . . If you are a devoted public radio listener who appreciates the power of quality journalism, the engagement of nonfiction storytelling, and the drama of the real voices you hear, and you always wish you could share that story you […]
November 14, 2014 by Joyce Valenza
This news from JSTOR makes me want to be a high school librarian again! If like me, you work or have worked with high school students and teachers who crave a challenge or lean toward the scholarly, you’ll be interested in the new developments from our friends at JSTOR. Officially launched in September, Research Basics […]
June 26, 2014 by Joyce Valenza
For those many kids who choose not to read books, for those kids who are news junkies, for those kids who choose to focus on nonfiction, for those kids who read everything anyway, and for those kids who are motivated by regular, tangible rewards, Newsela’s Free Summer Reading Challenge may be just the thing to […]