100 Scope Notes
A Fuse #8 Production
by Betsy Bird
March 10, 2017 by Joyce Valenza
We’re focusing a lot of attention these days of helping students determine credibility. For many of us, this is not a hot new topic. I dug around a bit and dusted off a couple of tools that, I think, stand the test of time. You are welcome to make copies and retool them for you […]
November 26, 2016 by Joyce Valenza
We were guaranteed a free press, We were not guaranteed a neutral or a true press. We can celebrate the journalistic freedom to publish without interference from the state. We can also celebrate our freedom to share multiple stories through multiple lenses. But it has always been up to the reader or viewer to make […]
November 25, 2015 by Joyce Valenza
Alexa lists Wikipedia as the 7th most popular site in the world and the 6th most popular site in the United States. It’s bigger than any encyclopedia we’ve ever before seen. Everyone uses it. Let’s just say, it’s important. So, doesn’t it make sense to spend a little time helping learners figure out how it […]
September 22, 2013 by Joyce Valenza
Late last spring, our district distributed the Danielson Framework for Teaching rubric listing the components of instruction–divided into 22 components and 76 smaller elements, and clustered into four domains. Danielson’s Framework, is designed to serve as the the foundation of a school or district’s mentoring, coaching, professional development, and teacher evaluation processes, thus linking all those activities together […]
June 1, 2013 by Joyce Valenza
A Guide to Citing Images, a new infographic from our friends at NoodleTools, offers a MLA-aligned flow chart to guide researchers through a variety of image citation situations. But it is not just about image documentation. It asks learners to ask themselves a few important questions before using and documenting images that were born digital. […]
May 22, 2013 by Joyce Valenza
I’ve not been a huge fan of listy/form type evaluation tools. So much of the process of assessing credibility has to do with context. Black and white decisions and rules of thumb are far more fuzzy in a read/write, citizen journalist, open scholarship, media-rich web. Truth is, I often find value in casually published, unvetted […]
December 9, 2012 by Joyce Valenza
Not all information tasks are the same. And because sources that may be perfect for analyzing Hamlet’s motivation, may not be right for examining what’s happening now in Damascus or how far down we might fall from the fiscal cliff, learners need new credibility assessment strategies. As teachers and librarians we are used to discussing […]