Heavy Medal
December 20, 2017 by Joyce Valenza
You may remember Stanford History Education Group (SHEG) for its groundbreaking and utterly depressing report, Evaluating Information: The Cornerstone of Online Civic Reasoning. In the November 2016 Executive Summary, the researchers shared: When thousands of students respond to dozens of tasks there are endless variations. That was certainly the case in our experience. However, at each level—middle […]
December 7, 2017 by Joyce Valenza
Just a couple of weeks ago, the Library of Congress announced the launch of three new apps for Web and mobile, developed by educational organizations that were supported by an LOC grant for app development. The new interactive applications focus on citizenship, civic engagement, and exploration with primary sources. Lee Ann Potter, director of Educational Outreach […]
September 27, 2016 by Joyce Valenza
Just in time for instructional planning, the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) reminds us that their 100 Primary Source Sets were designed to help students develop critical thinking skills by exploring topics in history, literature, and culture. If you work with middle or high school learners, you’re going to love these sets created by the teachers from […]
January 28, 2016 by Joyce Valenza
This year marks the 400 anniversary of the death of William Shakespeare. One way to celebrate this significant commemoration is to explore Shakespeare Documented, the largest and most authoritative resource for learning about primary sources surrounding the life and career of William Shakespeare. A collaboration among more than 30 partners including the Bodleian Libraries at […]
January 11, 2016 by Joyce Valenza
This week, New York Public Library released more than of its 187,000 public domain images free to share, reuse and remix. The collection of high resolution images spans the breadth and depth of NYPL’s holdings–historic maps, atlases, botanical illustrations, manuscripts, photographs, ancient religious texts, and, of course, the New York City collection. Now open and […]
December 10, 2015 by Joyce Valenza
What if Anne Frank hadn’t kept her diary? What if no one could listen to Martin Luther King’s Mountaintop speech? What if the camera hadn’t been rolling during the first moon landing? But what if, this Thanksgiving, the youngest member of every family interviewed the oldest? Or if on February 14th, you asked a person […]
November 18, 2015 by Joyce Valenza
In collaboration with our own AASL, the Government Printing Office just updated and redesigned its Ben’s Guide to the U.S. Government. This new portal is designed to inform students, parents, and educators about the Federal Government, which issues the publications and information products disseminated by the GPO’s Federal Depository Library Program. Mobile friendly, the website […]