The Yarn
July 4, 2015 by Joyce Valenza
This past week in Philadelphia I participated in a meeting that launched the year-long process of refreshing ISTE’s Standards for Students. The organization acknowledges the accelerated pace of change and is entering the process of seeing what works, what is still relevant, what is obsolete, what is still missing since the last refresh in 2007. […]
April 21, 2013 by Joyce Valenza
To celebrate its 5th anniversary the Classroom 2.0 Community (with the help of additional educational networks), recently released the community-sourced Classroom 2.0 The Book. Inspired by and led by community founder, Steve Hargadon, with Richard Byrne (Free Technology for Teachers) and Chris Dawson (ZDNet Education), the project’s official deadline for submissions was today, April 21st. In […]
January 20, 2013 by Joyce Valenza
I am adding Edcanvas to my toolkit for curating, flipping, and presenting. The flexible platform allows teachers and students to organize and share teaching and learning materials, or their research products, in the form of a attractive visual grids composed of tiles. Pick a topic, choose a theme (tile layout) and create a canvas by […]
June 3, 2012 by Joyce Valenza
It’s been a great year for the TL Café! Visit our archive to relive the memories or catch up on the active. But make sure you join us tomorrow night at 8 PM Eastern for the last Café of the school year. Inspired by the forward-thinking Minnesota MEMO colleagues, it’s going to be pretty fabulous […]
April 5, 2012 by Joyce Valenza
For me, one of the highlights of the recent ASCD Conference in Philadelphia, was joining a few of my favorite fellow bloggers at an interview/lunch with the two inspiring educators selected by ASCD for the prestigious 2012 Outstanding Young Educator Award (OYEA). The winners were selected by a panel of diverse education professionals . . […]
March 13, 2012 by Joyce Valenza
Right now, there is a gifted educator somewhere out there delivering a life-changing lesson. The TED-Ed team hopes that anyone who is passionate about education will help us find that teacher, capture that moment, and amplify it the way that it deserves to be amplified. The folks at TED just announced a new initiative to […]
September 11, 2011 by Joyce Valenza
For my September newsletter, I decided to resurrect and majorly update an old PowerTools document of ideas I had for mixing up the traditional student project and for offering students alternate strategies for communicating their knowledge and creativity. Yes, I have tried many of these at home with adventurous teachers. I thought I’d share. Please […]