Heavy Medal
The Classroom Bookshelf
by Denise Davila
100 Scope Notes
by Travis Jonker
August 2, 2018 by Joyce Valenza
Created in 2006 by a team led by Aaron Swartz and Brewster Kahle, Open Library is an Internet Archive project developed to present one web page for every book ever published. This wiki approach to a catalog encourages new information as well as corrections from the user community. Recent enhancements allow for even more openness. […]
July 17, 2018 by Joyce Valenza
Khan Academy Kids launched this week. In collaboration with experts from the Stanford Graduate School of Education and children’s book authors, and in partnership with Super Simple Songs, Bellwether Media and National Geographic Magazine, the new app is designed to inspire a lifetime of learning and discovery with our free, fun educational program for children ages two […]
January 1, 2017 by Joyce Valenza
Fun fact: You may know I was an English major. You may not know that my serious focus was 16th century poetry and drama. My favorite course ever was Shakespeare’s Problem Plays. Not every student I’ve met over the years felt the same draw to Shakespeare. The play is just not every kid’s thing. The […]
June 4, 2016 by Joyce Valenza
A couple of years ago, I wrote about the first six Student Discovery Sets published by the Library of Congress. The collection, now at 15 titles, covers so many of the themes studied in our school programs. This week, three new sets launched: Scientific Data: Observing, Recording, and Communicating Information Weather Forecasting The New Deal […]
February 24, 2016 by Joyce Valenza
Some wonderful news! First Lady Michelle Obama’s video below announces a significant new initiative designed to address the challenge of providing children living in low income households with equitable access to digital reading materials. Open eBooks, is a free app, offering thousands of popular and award-winning titles, available without checkout or cost. It targets all […]
May 12, 2015 by Joyce Valenza
This app is going to make travel, field trips, birdwatching and walks in the woods, on the beach and in the park way more fun. One of my very favorite examples of crowd-sourced reference sites has been Yale University’s Map of Life . Using a wide variety of data sources, the biodiversity project endeavors to provide […]
April 23, 2015 by Joyce Valenza
Get them while they’re free! As it migrates to a new platform, using the Open Journal Systems software, ALA Publishing is currently offering a generous deal on its archive of Library Technology Reports. While a staple subscription item in many academic libraries, the series is priced beyond the modest budgets of school and smaller public […]