Girl Power! All about that acceptance
In the past couple of weeks I’ve come across a couple of videos that refreshingly reaffirm the importance of girls’ voice and what beauty is really about.
In case you missed them . . .
Twenty-year-old Nashville songwriter Meghan Trainer creates a pastel universe that is all about acceptance and positive body image in her viral debut video All About That Bass. Meghan and her dance troupe are proudly shake their stuff along with well-known Vine dancer Sione Maraschino. You won’t be able to get the tune or the message–Won’t be no stick figure silicon Barbie doll, so if that’s what you’re into then go on and move along–out of your head.
My daughter shared this one with me. In response to requests to share her everyday makeup routine, talented actress, filmmaker Anna Akana recently responded with How to Put On Your Face (à la Michelle Phan). The resulting tutorial is helpful, inspirational and ultimately about a deeper shade of beauty.
(Note: Though, in my mind, these are terrific to share with older teen girls, both videos contain language that may not be appropriate for sharing at school.)
Filed under: body image, technology, youth culture
About Joyce Valenza
Joyce is an Assistant Professor of Teaching at Rutgers University School of Information and Communication, a technology writer, speaker, blogger and learner. Follow her on Twitter: @joycevalenza
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