100 Scope Notes
100 Scope Notes
by Travis Jonker
September 18, 2013 by Joyce Valenza
When I hear heart-breaking news like this recent story of the closings of the libraries at Philadelphia’s two top academic high schools, following the closing of so many others, I recognize that my own community likely takes our own libraries for granted. Really, how often do we as communities stop and acknowledge that we value […]
July 4, 2013 by Joyce Valenza
It’s the 4th of July and I am delighted to share another important declaration. Our new ALA President, friend, former school librarian, and Syracuse iSchool professor, Barbara Stripling declares that libraries are essential to a democratic society. She shares: My presidential initiative, entitled Libraries Change Lives, will focus on increasing public understanding of the value of libraries, […]
June 29, 2013 by Joyce Valenza
Here in Chicago, AASL’s Best Websites for Teaching & Learning Committee just released its standards-aligned 2013 list. (Don’t miss AASL’s inaugural, Best Apps For Teaching and Learning list, also just released at ALA!) Sites and tools are selected because they engage users through innovation, creativity, active participation, and collaboration. Honored websites, tools, and resources will provide exceptional value […]
June 24, 2012 by Joyce Valenza
I am in San Diego for ISTE and I missed the live excitement, but for the fourth year, AASL just announced its Top 25 Websites for Teacher and Learning. These sites were selected because they foster the qualities of innovation, creativity, active participation, and collaboration. They are free, Web-based sites that are user friendly and […]
March 21, 2012 by Joyce Valenza
The polls are open. If you are an ALA member you can vote for our ALA President. Likely you were notified by email and provided with your passcode and you will have until Friday, April 27 to vote. When you vote, I urge you to support my friend and mentor, Barbara Stripling for ALA President. […]
December 25, 2011 by Joyce Valenza
Earlier this week, members of ALSC (ALA’s Association for Library Service to Children) announced the redesign of the Great Web Sites for Kids site via the #alscgws hashtag. For as long as I can remember (actually since 1997) this hard-working committee has been evaluating and compiling its list of exemplary sites for children from birth […]
October 10, 2011 by Joyce Valenza
Note: I am a member of this OITP committee and I urge my brilliant TL friends to apply for this recognition! OITP, LITA seek nominations for cutting-edge technology practices Washington, D.C. – The American Library Association (ALA) Office for Information Technology Policy (OITP) and the Library & Information Technology Association (LITA) are soliciting nominations for […]