-->A Little Bit of House Keeping
Remember how we mentioned we were going to talk about books in roughly chronological order, but then we not-helpfully-at-all listed them alphabetically by — of all librarian crimes — title?
Well, it’s occurred to us that those of you reading along might appreciate more of an indexed approach.

So here it is, listed alphabetically by author by quarter. The idea is that during September we’ll discuss Jan, Feb, and March pubs; in October we’ll do April, May, and June pubs; in November we’ll do July, August, and September pubs, and in December and/or early January we’ll cover October, November, and December pubs. Somewhere in there we’ll also be running the Pyrite Printz, hence the runover into January (plus the holiday season tends to slow things down a bit).
Within a single month* the order will be a bit topsy turvy, so for instance we’ve already covered a few February books but we haven’t posted a writeup of some January books yet. Also, we still reserve the right to add and drop books, and in all honesty there may be a few titles that get pushed to a later date because actually none of us have read them yet.
*A “month” might actually run a week or so into the next calendar month since we started September book coverage a bit into the month, and it’s got the biggest contenda pile. Whatever, you totally get the point.
Finally, if we’ve got any of the pub data wrong, we’re happy to be corrected; my primary data sources are Follett Titlewave, Amazon, Books in Print, and the ARCs themselves, but in most cases I’m going off the spreadsheet we’ve been maintaining, which means we’re a few removes from the original data.
(But please post any corrections or additional titles over at the original contenda list — into which I’ll insert a link pointing here, too. Just to keep all the titles together.)
Alrighty, then, enough explanation; here’s the index-esque list:
September (January-March 2012 publication dates; 24 titles)
Andrews, Jesse Me and Earl and the Dying Girl
Anthony, Jessica and Rodrigo Corral Chopsticks
Crockett, S.D. After the Snow
Crowley, Cath Grafitti Moon
Danforth, Emily The Miseducation of Cameron Post
Ellison, Kate The Butterfly Clues
George, Madeleine The Difference Between You & Me
Green, John The Fault in Our Stars
Hopkinson, Deborah Titanic: Voices from the Disaster
LaCour, Nina The Disenchantments
Levinson, Cynthia We’ve Got a Job: The 1963 Birmingham Children’s March
Marchetta, Melina Froi of the Exiles
Michaelis, Antonia The Storyteller
Nelson, Vaunda Micheaux No Crystal Stair
Osborne, Linda Barrett Miles to Go for Freedom: Segregation and Civil Rights in the Jim Crow Years
Rapp, Adam The Children and the Wolves
Rosoff, Meg There is No Dog
Saenz, Benjamin Alire Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe
Saldin, Erin The Girls of No Return
Sonnenblick, Jordan Curveball: The Year I Lost My Grip
Volponi, Paul The Final Four
Woodson, Jacqueline Beneath a Meth Moon
Woolston, Blythe Catch and Release
October (April-June publication dates; 20 titles)
Aronson, Marc Master of Deceit
Bacigalupi, Paolo The Drowned Cities
Cashore, Kristin Bitterblue
Castellucci, Cecil The Year of the Beasts
Chambers, Aidan Dying to Know You
Coats, J. Anderson The Wicked & The Just
Doyle, Roddy A Greyhound of a Girl
Freedman, Russell Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass: The Story Behind an American Friendship
Hand, Elizabeth Radiant Days
Hautman, Pete The Obsidian Blade
Hopkinson, Nalo The Chaos
Kindl, Patrice Keeping the Castle
LaFevers, Robin Grave Mercy
Matson, Morgan Second Chance Summer
McCormick, Patricia Never Fall Down
Mieville, China Railsea
Nix, Garth A Confusion of Princes
Peterfreund, Diana For Darkness Shows the Stars
Rosenfield, Kat Amelia Anne is Dead and Gone
Wein, Elizabeth Code Name Verity
Williams, Carol Lynch Waiting
Zettel, Sarah Dust Girl
November (July-September publications, 21 titles)
Anderson, Jodi Lynn Tiger Lily
Barraclough, Lindsay Long Lankin
Bray, Libba The Diviners
Fama, Elizabeth Monstrous Beauty
Griffin, Adele All You Never Wanted
Griffin, Molly Beth Silhouette of a Sparrow
Hartman, Rachel Seraphina
Hoose, Philip Moonbird: A Year on the Wind with the Great Survivor B95
Johnson, Angela A Certain October
Kokie, E.M. Personal Effects
Lanagan, Margo The Brides of Rollrock Island
Leavitt, Martine My Book of Life by Angel
Levithan, David Every Day
Murphy, Jim Invincible Microbe: Tuberculosis and the Never-Ending Search for a Cure
Pitcher, Annabel My Sister Lives on the Mantelpiece
Rappaport, Doreen Beyond Courage: The Untold Story of Jewish Resistance During the Holocaust
Rossetti, Rinsai The Girl with the Borrowed Wings
Sandler, Martin W. The Impossible Rescue: The True Story of an Amazing Arctic Adventure
Sheinkin, Steve Bomb: The Race to Build–And Steal–the World’s Most Dangerous Weapon
Shusterman, Neal Unwholly
Stiefvater, Maggie Raven Boys
December/January (October-December publications; this list may continue to grow as stars roll in and books are published)
Arcos, Carrie Out of Reach
Flake, Sharon Pinned
King, A.S. Ask the Passengers
Lowry, Lois Son
Pratchett, Terry Dodger
Schrefer, Eliot Endangered
Smith, Andrew Passenger
Taylor, Laini Days of Blood and Starlight
Filed under: Contenders, Housekeeping
About Karyn Silverman
Karyn Silverman is the High School Librarian and Educational Technology Department Chair at LREI, Little Red School House & Elisabeth Irwin High School (say that ten times fast!). Karyn has served on YALSA’s Quick Picks and Best Books committees and was a member of the 2009 Printz committee. She has reviewed for Kirkus and School Library Journal. She has a lot of opinions about almost everything, as long as all the things are books. Said opinions do not reflect the attitudes or opinions of SLJ, LREI, YALSA or any other institutions with which she is affiliated. Find her on Twitter @InfoWitch or e-mail her at karynsilverman at gmail dot com.
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