Heavy Medal
February 12, 2018 by Sarah Couri
Well, we’re here! After all is said and done (and at this point, we’ve done a LOT of saying), we’ve arrived at the moment we’ve all been waiting for. Lots of books, lots of words, lots of passionate debate later, it all comes down to that conference room in Denver. Are you ready?? We’ll have […]
February 10, 2018 by Karyn Silverman
Now that you’ve had a few hours to digest the news that this is our last time doing picks and predictions, and you’ve also had some time to consider your own thoughts for each category, let’s do this thing! We’ll start with the definitions: Picks are the personal choices. It’s the slate of books you can […]
February 8, 2018 by Karyn Silverman
We interrupt our usual year-end post schedule with some breaking news: This will be the last season for the Someday My Printz Will Come blog. While we are incredibly sad about this, it’s not a permanent goodbye. The SLJ folks have assured us of their continuing commitment to YA award coverage, and we like talking […]
February 6, 2018 by Sarah Couri
It’s official! We have done it! We named our winner last week, and now we’ve got our honor books. Votes came in, spreadsheets were made, and many other things happened — and it was all done in the passive voice, I guess. But who can think about grammar, really, when we have a completely fictional […]
February 3, 2018 by Someday
Today, we’re covering all the books! Ok, not all — but the last of the big hitters that we’re covering. Note that as always, we didn’t get to everything. And this year, which has been an astoundingly rich year, that may just mean we didn’t even get to the winner, because there is SO MUCH […]
January 31, 2018 by Sarah Couri
In our frantic dash to the finish line, we’re taking today to look at the Morris finalists. A Morris nod has nothing really to do with the Printz slate, though there’s been overlap in years past. And a lack of a Morris nod doesn’t rule any author out for the Printz, either. They’re not correlative. […]
January 29, 2018 by Karyn Silverman
Back in November, we asked if any of our readers wanted to toss a “nomination” or two into the ring. Well, we have three! We are lucky to have wonderful readers and commenters, and even luckier to have three of them plugging their favorite books. Each review considers the book in light of its Printz […]
January 26, 2018 by Sarah Couri
We’ve done some of the hard work, in voting for and naming our winner. And what a winner — can you imagine getting to call Angie Thomas and say, “we loved your book and are giving you an award”?! I mean, we are not actually giving an award, let’s be clear. We are a mock […]
January 25, 2018 by Sarah Couri
Last week, we opened the polls for one of our favorite things to do around here: vote for the Pyrite Winner! (Get it? Pyrite? Like not-quite-gold? Because while we read, discuss, and overall mimic RealCommittee’s work, we aren’t RealCommittee? So our medal is sort of an imitation gold sticker? That is in no way a […]
January 24, 2018 by Sarah Couri
Monday, we got a graphic novel round up. And earlier this year, we had a nonfiction roundup. Now that we’ve reached the end of the year — and seen the Excellence for NF shortlist, and taken a look at all the year-end lists — we’ve got a second round up, taking a look at all the […]