Good Comics for Kids
The Classroom Bookshelf
by Mary Ann Cappiello
February 1, 2015 by Someday
One of the greatest joys of writing this blog is the chance to be spectacularly wrong* come the announcements. So here is our official post of both our personal picks — books we can support and love love love — and our predictions, which are the books we think are most likely — even if […]
January 24, 2015 by Joy Piedmont
The ALA Youth Media Awards are just around the corner and that means that it’s redux time! Today we’re revisiting two 2014 favorites: Candace Fleming’s The Family Romanov and We Were Liars by E. Lockhart.
January 24, 2014 by Someday
Not that we ever get these right, but here goes. Karyn’s Picks: I’m going to start with the if if I had my druthers list: 5 books I both love AND support (mostly), in no particular order:
January 27, 2013 by Someday
(Housekeeping note: we are still compiling the honor book votes, so look for that post shortly.) We’re going to make some predictions for tomorrow. They will, doubtless, be wrong: never has there ever been a cat so clever committee that didn’t surprise, well, everyone. But we’re not just wildly guessing here either. Or, not entirely, […]
January 22, 2013 by Someday
We’ve been bringing the Pyrite* books back up for a second round of discussion, but a number of them were discussed so recently — and with their Pyrite nominations in mind — that it seems silly to post again about each one. However, we didn’t want anyone to forget what makes these books at the […]
January 21, 2013 by Someday
Karyn has been talking about Code Name Verity all year, starting with a teaser in her March 19th post (a post that wasn’t even about books we’d been reading, mind you). And despite a few other top contenders, this is the one that seems to have all the love, pulling the most votes when we […]
January 20, 2013 by Sophie Brookover
Boy21, Matthew Quick Little, Brown Books for Young Readers, March 2012 Reviewed from Final Copy So, I should start this post by disclosing that I have a personal connection with this book and its author. I want to acknowledge my personal baggage (a topic that has been addressed particularly well in the comments to the […]