A Fuse #8 Production
Good Comics for Kids
by Renee Scott
July 17, 2012 by Someday
Looking back at Sophie’s rundown of series books that have been recognized by the Printz Committee over the years, a trend emerged that seems to draw a line between shared universe vs. truly serial works. By and large, truly serial works have only been recognized at series launch, with two duology conclusions and one single […]
June 17, 2012 by Sophie Brookover
And now, for the epic throw-down you’ve all been waiting for: series vs. stand-alone books! Dun-dun-DUNNNNN! I freely admit that I worked myself up into a rhetorical tizzy as I drafted this post. Last week, I cheerfully volunteered to write the first entry in our exploration of series vs. stand-alone titles. Let’s just say that […]
May 7, 2012 by Sarah Couri
A long time ago, we started out thinking and talking about the Printz policies and procedures. And do you know what I said? What I typed, I mean? Yeah, but who wants to be on a committee that picks a book everyone hates, y’know? I guess this is a good opportunity to talk about POPULARITY […]
April 23, 2012 by Karyn Silverman
Between Roger’s piece way back and Sophie’s thoughtful assessment of stars in our playground, I’m not sure what more really needs to be said. But never let it be said that I passed up an opportunity to air my opinions. Last week, I read a Mary Poppins of a book.* It deserves a dozen stars. […]
April 9, 2012 by Sophie Brookover
So, starred reviews and the Printz award. We’re going to cover this topic in at least two posts this year, so whatever I don’t address (or get dead wrong), Karyn will cover in a couple of weeks! I’m a visual, list-making sort of person, so as I mulled over this topic this week, I found […]
December 13, 2011 by Karyn Silverman
I doubt this is news to anyone, but the Morris shortlist was released the other day. Three of the five were on our original contenda list (although we’ve only discussed two so far), and a fourth was a late addition thanks to reader response when we first discussed (and almost dismissed) it (we will definitely […]
November 8, 2011 by Karyn Silverman
So, I’ve been pretty busy lately. One of the things keeping me busy is the launch of an annual outside reading project I do with my 9th graders, called Read, Write, Recommend, which involves independent recreational reading and Goodreads. It’s an awesome project and I am really proud of it and someday (someday!) I will […]