The Classroom Bookshelf
The Classroom Bookshelf
by Mary Ann Cappiello
October 11, 2017 by Joy Piedmont
Just as this has been a year of grief and tough topics in fiction, nonfiction has been similarly focused on emotionally draining subject. (Or perhaps it’s my personal exhaustion with the state of the world combined with the difficult reads? Hard to say.) Today Sarah and I are reviewing two very different books about the […]
October 6, 2017 by Sarah Couri
We’ve got two solid contenders up next, both realistic fiction, both with characters haunted by the past. It’s not entirely fair to pair titles up like this, and it’s not really how RC talks about books at the table — they are trying to consider the strengths and weaknesses of each title individually, after all. […]
September 30, 2017 by Sarah Couri
We’ve been calling this post “unexpected mysteries” which is an intriguing title that I quite enjoy. I wonder if it’s more accurately, “slow, detail-laden, explorative mysteries,” though. Mysteries aren’t always the big movers and shakers in YA fiction, although there are quite a few to be found in the middle grade realm. While one of […]
September 26, 2017 by Karyn Silverman
This book. THIS BOOK. Sometimes you pick up a book because you should; it got some stars (or, in this case, failed to get some stars), some people liked the authors other books, you’re sitting around portioning out the books and it’s your turn to take something off the pile. I read a lot […]
September 18, 2017 by Karyn Silverman
Before I dive into the first review of the year, a few housekeeping notes. We are, as we have been doing, plan to review in roughly chronological order. So for the next month, we’ll focus on Q1 books, those published between January and March 2017. We’re not going to be super strict about this — […]
September 19, 2016 by Karyn Silverman
Anna and the Swallow Man, Gavriel Savit Knopf, January 2016 Reviewed from ARC For the first posted coverage of the season, I thought I’d start with one of the earliest publication dates on our list. Anna and the Swallow Man came out in January. It had huge pre-publication push; we received at least 4 copies […]