Good Comics for Kids
The Classroom Bookshelf
by Mary Ann Cappiello
December 31, 2016 by Karyn Silverman
We’re back from a few days of rest, travel, and so much family, with yet another double post — always, as the year draws to a close, the double posts, because the good books just keep piling up. Today’s books in many ways have nothing in common — one historical fiction, absolutely realistic despite some […]
October 12, 2016 by Joy Piedmont
When we start to compile our list of books to cover, authors who have a previous Printz win or honor are automatically added to the list. We also give serious consideration to writers with wins or honors from other important ALA Youth Media Awards. Of course, the logic is that a previous winner has a […]
December 24, 2014 by Joy Piedmont
She Is Not Invisible, Marcus Sedgwick Roaring Brook Press, April 2014 Reviewed from ARC Marcus Sedgwick has literary chops. Here’s an author who knows his way around a sentence. Last year, Karyn and I predicted that Sedgwick’s Midwinterblood would get a shiny sticker, despite our reservations about the novel’s ability to hold up under close scrutiny. […]
November 26, 2014 by Joy Piedmont
The Port Chicago 50: Disaster, Mutiny, and the Fight for Civil Rights, Steve Sheinkin Roaring Brook Press, January 2014 Reviewed from final copy This is a difficult review to write. The reason I’m struggling has nothing to do with Steve Sheinkin’s book, and everything to do with it. My thoughts keep turning to Michael Brown, […]