Good Comics for Kids
The Classroom Bookshelf
by Denise Davila
March 30, 2016 by Joyce Valenza
I’ve been doing a lot of app smashing these days, but I recently discovered that sometimes suites are just, well, sweet. Even sweeter when they are free. A little over a year ago, I kinda fell in love with Adobe Voice, for its easy, elegant storytelling affordances. Gather your images, hit the record button and […]
December 1, 2013 by Joyce Valenza
There are those times when a student wants to use and cite an image, but the original creator of the image and other important details are not exactly easy to identify. Google’s reverse image search is a wonderful tool, but it’s a two-step process, requiring you to open Google and drag the image, or copy […]
July 9, 2013 by Joyce Valenza
I was wondering how folks have been making those simple, little quotation posters that I’ve seen around the Web. Until this morning, my dear friend Shannon Miller, shared Recitethis. Recitethis is a super easy and elegant tool for generating motivational images/posters. Enter your favorite quote or message and select the most fitting or most attractive design […]
March 8, 2012 by Joyce Valenza
This morning I was excited to discover the beta of Searcheeze, which appears to be an easy cool tool for collaborative curating. But I watched the intro video and went into a not-so-quiet tirade. Here’s how it starts: Search. It’s quite interesting how the meaning of the word “search” has been subjected to change in […]