The Yarn
Teen Librarian Toolbox
by Karen Jensen, MLS
December 21, 2017 by Someday
It’s time for another joint conversation about a book. We had a great time last time, and are hoping to have just as much fun again. These are the times this blog feels most like committee work, where we’re all at the table (metaphorically), and all ready to talk about the same book — but […]
November 22, 2017 by Someday
Welcome to the Someday nominating table! As you sit down at your Thanksgiving table, reflecting on a year’s worth of gratitude, spare a moment to think about the YA books for which you are the most thankful. Last year we asked you, our smart readers who steer us toward dark horses and hidden gems, to nominate a YA book […]
November 15, 2017 by Someday
It’s nearing the end of the year, and all the year’s best lists are going to drop…soon! In fact, this year is so far along that the NBA will be announcing winners this evening (can you belieeeeeeve it?). It’s fun to take notes and make sure our reading lists are as complete as possible as […]
October 18, 2017 by Someday
In a fairly rare occurrence, we all three read today’s book BEFORE the scheduled post date, so today’s post has all of us discussing it together, just like a RealCommittee might, if six people were missing. Sarah: Friends. Friends. Is this the book to beat this year? To be honest, it’s hard to know where to start here. […]
January 20, 2017 by Someday
We’re less than a week out from the YMAs. Which means we’re less than a week from tears — of sorrow and of glee — and from the temptation to ask impossible questions like “why” and “what the hell happened to book X”. But hang on. The Monday morning quarterbacking is a time-honored tradition in […]
June 30, 2016 by Someday
It’s the halfway point of the season, and we’re done sowing our wild oats reading non-2016 and/or non-YA books. We thought maybe if we showed you ours, you’d show us yours? So here’s where we are with our reading. What have you been reading? (And if you went to ALA, we were #ALAleftbehind, so we need […]
January 15, 2016 by Someday
The season is done, the award has been given, we’ve all gasped and mourned (only two honors!) and celebrated, and finally it’s time to look forward to the 2017 YMAs. A final thank you to the RealCommittee, whose hard work has given us three excellent choices to talk about and discuss for years to come. […]