100 Scope Notes
Heavy Medal
by Steven Engelfried
January 24, 2013 by Someday
Before we say anything else, or share shiny data, and definitely before we name the book that gets the Pyrite* medal (which, really, would be more of a paperweight), we want to say thank you. Thank you, of course, for reading the blog. But mostly, and most importantly, thank you for caring about YA literature. […]
October 23, 2012 by Karyn Silverman
With 120 results, here are the results! (If you haven’t taken the poll, you can still access it here. If the responses increase significantly, I’ll post updated data, of course.) Google Forms plays badly with anything, and Excel hates me, so this is just the straightup data for now. I’ll try to play with the […]
July 7, 2012 by Karyn Silverman
Before we return to our regularly scheduled abstract theorizing about literature (with Sarah and I weighing in on that standalone thing, as we keep promising to do), we’ve got an addendum to the numbers-loaded guest post from two weeks back. In the comments on that post, which was full of fascinating data, the question was […]
June 26, 2012 by Karyn Silverman
A guest post by Elizabeth Fama (YA author) and John Cochrane (Professor of Economics), with heroic data collection by Jen Baker (Librarian). [Note from Karyn: Usually when someone is kind enough to write a guest post, I labor over a worthy introduction. But true to her detail-oriented self—see post, below—Elizabeth wrote her own introduction. So […]