The Classroom Bookshelf
The Classroom Bookshelf
by Denise Davila
A Fuse #8 Production
by Betsy Bird
Heavy Medal
by Steven Engelfried
October 20, 2017 by Sarah Couri
I’ve been calling this post “double life/art ladies,” which doesn’t quite flow off the tongue as a post title, but does hint at what these two have in common — two intense teenage girls who prefer a hidden or secret life so that they can make their art. And both of these titles have a […]
January 10, 2017 by Karyn Silverman
While Morris-Printz crossover isn’t exactly common, it’s happened twice — in 2012, when Where Things Come Back took the double gold; and again in 2015, with sleeper hit The Carnival at Bray taking double silver. This season, we pretty much flubbed our Morris coverage; the debuts we covered earlier in the season were largely not […]
January 6, 2017 by Sarah Couri
People, it’s close to midnight and while something may not be lurking in the darkness of my hallway, it is getting late. I want to scream, but my terror of waking the small humans in the apartment takes the sound from me. Yeah…I wanted to write up a hilarious but dark introduction that played with […]
January 2, 2017 by Sarah Couri
So much fun! History is full of so many unexplored paths! What if you were a child of immigrants who bribed her way into a posh school? What if you were a doomed teenage king? What if you were a doomed teenage queen? What if you survived the San Francisco earthquake? What if you took […]
December 14, 2016 by Joy Piedmont
Actually, this is a romantic roundup, but rendezvous sounded catchier. In the context of Printz reviewing, romance has actually fared well in recent years with both the RealCommittee and the Pyrite Committee (aka: all of us). I’ll Give You the Sun was the Real and Pyrite winner in 2015, and in 2014 Eleanor & Park was a Real and Pyrite honor. This […]
January 6, 2016 by Karyn Silverman
This year is just full of books, and so many of them are worth talking about. Sadly, we’re not going to get to everything we hoped to read before Monday’s award announcements, despite valiant efforts. I’m mourning Leavitt’s Calvin, loaded on my Nook but sadly unread; Seneca Village; Lizard Radio, with a premise so unusual […]
November 2, 2015 by Karyn Silverman
Once upon a time ago, over on Heavy Medal, Jonathan very boldly (and wittily) ran a post with just a title and the cover of the book. His point was that sometimes you just don’t have anything good to say about a book, so why say anything at all? I’m not nearly as bold, nor […]