Teen Librarian Toolbox
Heavy Medal
by Steven Engelfried
December 12, 2013 by Someday
We put out a call asking for interested parties to take a shot at making the case for their top book of the year, and today, occasional guest poster Clair Segal is back to do just that. Or sort of that, because she’s taken on a challenge: talking about a second book in a series. […]
January 22, 2013 by Someday
We’ve been bringing the Pyrite* books back up for a second round of discussion, but a number of them were discussed so recently — and with their Pyrite nominations in mind — that it seems silly to post again about each one. However, we didn’t want anyone to forget what makes these books at the […]
December 31, 2012 by Karyn Silverman
The Raven Boys, Maggie Stiefvater Scholastic Press, September 2012 Reviewed from ARC So, I’m ready to talk about The Raven Boys. I’ve read it twice. I really really like it. Maggie Stiefvater clearly grew up drinking from the same story well as I did, and this is one that hits pretty much all my buttons. […]
January 6, 2012 by Sarah Couri
Karyn has talked about this before — the conundrum you face when you really love a book but eventually have to admit that it’s flawed. I mean, maybe you email your committee about [REDACTED] and they respond politely at first, promising to take a look. But then you keep emailing and eventually someone, someone, has […]
November 27, 2011 by Sarah Couri
Susan Cooper’s The Dark is Rising series haunted me as I read The Scorpio Races. Not because the two are really that similar; more because they are linked by Celtic mythology. And also partly because that series and this book are rooted in a recognizable world that suddenly and delightfully reveals mythological roots (well, Scorpio […]