A Fuse #8 Production
100 Scope Notes
by Travis Jonker
January 11, 2017 by Karyn Silverman
30 of us voted, and the results definitely indicate some clear trends, but by the Printz guidelines, we do NOT have a winner. From the RealPrintz Policies and Procedures: To win, a title must receive five first place votes and must also receive at least five more points than the second place title. If no […]
December 27, 2015 by Karyn Silverman
RealPrintz voting is a pretty particular thing, and winning has two conditions: “To win, a title must receive five first place votes and must also receive at least five more points than the second place title. If no title meets these criteria on the first ballot, any title receiving no votes is removed from consideration […]
February 1, 2015 by Joy Piedmont
Well folks, it’s been a whirlwind mock weekend here at Someday. When we announced our winner yesterday we also noted the four titles that finished just behind I’ll Give You the Sun’s winning 52 points. Those books were: This One Summer, Grasshopper Jungle, The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender, Gabi, a Girl in Pieces, and How I Discovered […]
January 31, 2015 by Someday
Comments were made, votes were tallied, numbers were crunched, and we’ve got a winner–no runoff this year; we’re calling it. As always, there’s a ton of really interesting information in the data so we’ll have in-depth analysis in a separate post after the honor voting results are in. For now, let’s talk Pyrite!
January 22, 2014 by Someday
You voted, and we have the results. And… we’ll be voting again shortly, because we also have a tie. But before we dip into the results, a few words: Thank you! For playing along with us, for voting, for reading the blog, but mostly for caring about these books. Although only one book will win […]
January 27, 2013 by Someday
The results are in, and opening the honor vote to the larger list made for some interesting shifts in some of the votes — although not statistically significant shifts when it comes to the actual Pyrite* honor slate. ALA definitely affected our voter pool (another note for next year, get all the voting done by […]
January 24, 2013 by Someday
Before we say anything else, or share shiny data, and definitely before we name the book that gets the Pyrite* medal (which, really, would be more of a paperweight), we want to say thank you. Thank you, of course, for reading the blog. But mostly, and most importantly, thank you for caring about YA literature. […]