Good Comics for Kids
A Fuse #8 Production
by Betsy Bird
October 31, 2016 by Karyn Silverman
The Passion of Dolssa, Julie Berry Viking, April 2016 Reviewed from final copy 2016 has been, by and large, a strong year. Strong enough that I’ll be hard pressed to come up with my top 5 at the end of the season. But my top 2 are already decided, and after rereading The Passion of […]
October 29, 2016 by Sarah Couri
Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton Viking, March 2016 Reviewed from a final copy OK, I’m a day late with this review because, well, I wanted to talk about this book and then I wasn’t sure if I ought to talk about this book, but I just wanted to keep thinking about this book […]
October 10, 2016 by Karyn Silverman
I’m going to tip my hand right at the outset: this is a fantastic slow burn of a novel that is also the first in a series, so let’s face it: award recognition here probably goes beyond long shot and right into impossible. But sometimes you sit down to write up the book you meant […]
November 6, 2015 by Sarah Couri
Stonewall: Breaking Out in the Fight for Gay Rights by Ann Bausum Viking, May 2015 Reviewed from final copy Boys Who Challenged Hitler: Knud Pedersen and the Churchill Club by Phillip Hoose Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, May 2015 Reviewed from final copy We’ve got two nonfiction reads. They’re both short, they’ve both received a lot […]
November 2, 2015 by Karyn Silverman
Once upon a time ago, over on Heavy Medal, Jonathan very boldly (and wittily) ran a post with just a title and the cover of the book. His point was that sometimes you just don’t have anything good to say about a book, so why say anything at all? I’m not nearly as bold, nor […]
October 7, 2015 by Joy Piedmont
Saint Anything, Sarah Dessen Viking, May 2015 Reviewed from final copy Truth time: I’m slightly embarrassed to admit that Saint Anything is the first Sarah Dessen novel I’ve read; I didn’t read YA when I was actually in that demographic and she was never on my syllabi as an education or library student. Although I […]
September 30, 2015 by Joy Piedmont
Mosquitoland, David Arnold Viking, March 2015 Reviewed from final copy There are major spoilers ahead so if you don’t want to know major plot points for Mosquitoland proceed with caution. At a certain point in one’s reading life, first person narration immediately triggers suspicion of an unreliable narrator. It’s not a terrible starting point because […]