Heavy Medal
100 Scope Notes
by Travis Jonker
September 27, 2010 by Elizabeth Burns
The Improper Life of Bezellia Grove by Susan Gregg Gilmore. Crown, a division of Random House. 2010. Reviewed from uncorrected proof from publisher. The Plot: As the title promises, the life of one Bezellia Louis Grove, starting with her birth announcement in 1951. Bezellia recounts her youth and teenage years as the daughter of one […]
September 24, 2010 by Elizabeth Burns
The Eternal Ones: What if love refused to die? by Kirsten Miller. 2010. Razorbill, an imprint of Penguin Young Readers Group. Personal copy. The Plot: Haven Moore, 17, is from tiny Snope City, Tennessee, but she dreams of New York City. No, really — she has dreams and flashbacks to New York City, a place […]
September 23, 2010 by Elizabeth Burns
There are so many different types of Young Adult Book Blogs out in the book blogosphere! Some are written by teenagers. Some are written by people who are no longer teens. Some are written by librarians, some by teachers, some by readers. Some are about a personal reader reaction. Some are about booktalking or handselling […]
September 22, 2010 by Elizabeth Burns
Tales of the Madman Underground (An Historical Romance 1973) by John Barnes. Viking. 2009. Reviewed from ARC from a conference. The Plot: Lightsburg, Ohio, 1973. Karl Shoemaker has a simple resolution for his senior year: don’t get the “ticket,” the slip of paper from school that sends him to group therapy during school hours. Instead, be […]
September 21, 2010 by Elizabeth Burns
Believe it or not, I had this post drafted well before a certain someone said books about rape victims recovering from depression are “filthy.” I offer him profound thanks, for doing such a brilliant job of illustrating the problem with using “clean” and filthy” for describing the content of books. Now, on with the post! “I need a list […]
September 20, 2010 by Elizabeth Burns
Efrain’s Secret by Sofia Quintero. Knopf Books for Young Readers, an imprint of Random House. 2010. The Plot: It’s not a secret that high school senior Efrain Rodriguez takes his future seriously. He has a plan: Harvard. Maybe Yale. Ivy League, not New York City. The problem is he’s at a Bronx high school where Ivy […]
September 19, 2010 by Elizabeth Burns
Laurie Halse Anderson‘s Speak is being attacked for being “filthy” and “soft porn” in an editorial in a Missouri paper, Filthy Books Demeaning to Republic Education. (Note: no, not Republican. Republic, it’s the name of a town.) Here is the money quote: “In high school English classes, children are required to read and view material […]