The Yarn
Teen Librarian Toolbox
by Karen Jensen, MLS
The Classroom Bookshelf
by Denise Davila
February 21, 2018 by Joyce Valenza
#inTLchat (in + tlchat) It seems so simple that I cannot figure out why it didn’t hit us sooner. Putting an “in” in front of the #tlchat hashtag we’ve been using forever, changes everything. It’s sticky. It’s (of course) international. And it’s already gaining global traction. Teacher librarians are the ultimate connectors and I don’t […]
December 20, 2017 by Joyce Valenza
You may remember Stanford History Education Group (SHEG) for its groundbreaking and utterly depressing report, Evaluating Information: The Cornerstone of Online Civic Reasoning. In the November 2016 Executive Summary, the researchers shared: When thousands of students respond to dozens of tasks there are endless variations. That was certainly the case in our experience. However, at each level—middle […]
May 30, 2017 by Joyce Valenza
If you’re like me, Padlet has been a go-to tool for brainstorming, back channeling, collaborating, collecting ideas and media and even for portfolio building–well, forever. Over the past few weeks one of our favorite platforms added some features that make it an even more powerful teaching and learning tool. 1. Formats In addition to Wall, […]
April 7, 2017 by Joyce Valenza
What if we considered some new equations? At a recent webinar the subject of opening our library walls came up. It often does. The subject of equations came up as well. I love the idea of considering our reach as librarians without borders. Of considering how we might connect our learners in meaningful inquiry beyond the […]
October 29, 2016 by Joyce Valenza
We’ve just concluded an exciting experiment and I am thrilled to share our story. Rutgers MI program, NJASL and the South Brunswick School District partnered this week to offer a School Library Bus Tour. Okay, no buses were actually involved. (Think garden tour.) We simply opened up school libraries representing effective practice and invited students, […]
February 17, 2016 by Joyce Valenza
I’ve added a new platform to my list of curation favorites. The Participate Learning search engine offers access to thousands of educator-vetted K12 learning resources–apps, videos, and websites. Apps, for both iOS and Android, as well as other learning resources, are browsable and searchable by keyword, category, or standard. Searches may be filtered by whether […]
September 1, 2014 by Joyce Valenza
I recently spent a full day presenting workshops for the Nashville school librarians with my buddy Shannon Miller. I expected to fall in love with the city. But I fell in love with it for an unexpected reason. Nashville is a city that truly loves its libraries. And that love has a lot to do […]