Teen Librarian Toolbox
A Fuse #8 Production
by Betsy Bird
June 23, 2017 by Joyce Valenza
Because of a family health issue, for the first time in forever, I won’t be traveling to ALA or ISTE this year. I am finding ways to contribute to my committees remotely and will do a panel from home on Tuesday. But, ya know, it’s not quite the same and I will be missing special […]
June 25, 2016 by Joyce Valenza
At this point in my travel career, I’ve learned a bit about how to do library conferences with fewer pain points. On the plane to ALA Orlando 2016, and at lunch in the hotel before I got my room, I shared my tips with a few friends who offered additional crowd-sourced advice. If conference travel […]
November 21, 2015 by Joyce Valenza
Please forgive this shameless self-promotion. The NJASL folks dug up some blasts from the past for their 100th anniversary celebration. I was both shocked and so pleased to see what I looked like during a radio theater event nearly 20 years ago and about 20 pounds ago. (Check about 19 minutes in for my appearance.)
November 9, 2015 by Joyce Valenza
We were with our tribe. From Treasure Mountain to the Hackathon to the unConf, and of course, through the official conference, AASL15 was an incredible learning experience. Rather that describe it all, I thought I’d curate it for you. Check out the embedded slideshows, the daily Darwin newsletters, the images and tweets.
October 23, 2015 by Joyce Valenza
If, like me, you are counting the days till AASL, the biennial convergence of our people, you’ll likely be pulling your calendar together around now. Yes, there’s a lot going on! I am truly looking forward to the speakers, the authors, the sessions, the friends, and yes, the dancing. When the sessions and the dinners […]
November 15, 2014 by Joyce Valenza
Want to learn more about how to engage your school community in global literacy? Want to connect with and learn from inspiring educators and students across the globe? This is your week, friends! The fifth annual Global Education Conference is a free, week-long online event bringing together educators and innovators from around the world. Held Monday, November […]
October 12, 2014 by Joyce Valenza
If you missed Connected Librarian Day on Tuesday, or the super-fabulous fourth annual Library 2.014 Worldwide Virtual Conference on Wednesday and Thursday . . . or if you were there and want to relive it or catch up with any sessions you missed . . . . . . it’s archived in all its glory […]