Good Comics for Kids
The Classroom Bookshelf
by Erika Thulin Dawes
August 23, 2013 by Joyce Valenza
Fair use is the broad, flexible doctrine that will allow libraries to meet mission in the digital age. A new embeddable infographic, developed by the Association of Research Libraries and American University’s College of Law and School of Communication, with funding from the Mellon Foundation, illustrates how librarians navigate in a sea of copyrighted material, […]
January 30, 2012 by Joyce Valenza
The Association of Research Libraries (ARL) recently released its own Code of Best Practice in Fair Use for Academic and Research Libraries. Supported by a grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the code: enhances the ability of librarians to rely on fair use by documenting the considered views of the library community about best […]
April 15, 2011 by Joyce Valenza
YouTube recently posted a video and short quiz designed to help young people better understand use of intellectual property relating to reposting and remixing. In the video, young pirate Russell copies a music video on his cell phone and posts in on YouTube. He is warned that he could loose his booty and get banned […]
March 13, 2011 by Joyce Valenza
Tomorrow night, ISTE’s SIGMS presents a free webinar featuring my good friend Kristen Hokanson and Spiro Bolos. If you are a librarian and you are not up to speed on issues relating to fair use, this is a must-attend event. The details (reprinted from Brenda Anderson’s announcement): When: Monday, March 14, 2011 at 8pm ET […]
December 31, 2010 by Joyce Valenza
An article in the Washington Post yesterday turned me on to an amazing creative effort developed by a couple of teachers in Hawaii. History for Music Lovers on YouTube is song parody and remix at its most useful. And you are going to want to share it with your history, and many of your other […]
November 19, 2010 by Joyce Valenza
Some stuff just seems harder to teach. Some standards seem harder to own. Digital citizenship is a critical element of ISTE’s NETS (standards for students). It is woven throughout AASL’s Standards for the 21st Century Learner. Everyday I live, model, and teach citizenship. But, to be perfectly honest, I haven’t been able to figure out […]
July 29, 2010 by Joyce Valenza
In addition to declaring it legal for iPhone users to jailbreak their mobile devices, earlier this week, on July 26th, the United States Copyright Office also ruled that it is NOT a violation of Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) for remixers to use copyrighted video excerpts from DVDs for the purpose of criticism or comment. […]