The Classroom Bookshelf
The Classroom Bookshelf
by Denise Davila
A Fuse #8 Production
by Betsy Bird
July 9, 2015 by Joyce Valenza
In an increasingly flattened world, the need to develop fluency in more than one language becomes increasingly critical for collaboration and participation. I recently discovered the FluentU website, as well as the recently launched FluentU iPhone app, for language learning on the go. Language learning has long been a back-burner kinda goal for me, but […]
July 7, 2015 by Joyce Valenza
I’ll admit it wasn’t on my K12 radar, but at the university one of the most popular resources for teaching and learning and catching up is Lynda.com. Designed to address the training needs of industry, government and education, the service offers professionally produced video with curricula and assessment. While the full curricular/training content for K12 […]
February 8, 2015 by Joyce Valenza
For many of us, the go-to platform for learning and sharing is video. Our students increasingly consult YouTube to get up to speed on any topic. We learn from TED Talks, the Khan Academy, as well as the growing number of videos we ourselves create for flipped. blended and hybrid instruction. Though film media prevails […]
October 27, 2013 by Joyce Valenza
Back in May I was excited to discover Voice Comments–a great tool for personally adding voice feedback to student writing or collaborative work. Recently, the app relaunched with a new interface and a bunch of impressive new features, as Kaizena. (In Japan, Kaizen refers to a philosophy of continuous improvement.) If Google Docs is a way of life at […]
October 12, 2013 by Joyce Valenza
I recently discovered FlipGrid and I am truly excited about sharing this (currently) free, interactive discussion platform at the high school school and about using it with my grad classes, perhaps in a way similar to the way I currently use Voicethread. But first, please help me test drive it by recording your video response […]
August 31, 2013 by Joyce Valenza
You’ll want to share this event and its resources with the classroom teachers you are helping to flip. On September 6, the Flipped Learning Network will host the first global Flip Your Classroom Day. To celebrate, the network encourages teachers everywhere to pledge to flip one lesson in the hope that the flipping experience will be a sticky one. […]
May 25, 2013 by Joyce Valenza
PBS recently announced that its PBS LearningMedia, the media-on-demand service for PreK-12 educators, now offers more than 30,000 free, carefully cataloged, standards-aligned, digital resources. Honored with two 2013 SIIA CODiE Awards in the Education Technology category, these resources were specifically designed to address national curricular gaps for high-quality digital media. The new content features interactive games, images, videos, […]