Teen Librarian Toolbox
September 9, 2016 by Joyce Valenza
In prepping for my on-campus course this semester I felt the need to freshen up my face-to-face discussion strategies. Digging around, I discovered some fabulous pedagogical portals well worth visiting for educators, both newbie and veteran. Take a look if you and your partner teachers seek a little inspiration for engaging learners in meaningful conversations […]
July 1, 2016 by Joyce Valenza
At ISTE 2016, this week in Denver, we saw the official release of a refreshed and aspirational set of Standards for Students focused on empowering student voice. We’ve come a long way from 1998 when our students exposure technology was largely limited to a weekly computer lab visit. ISTE describes the nearly twenty year progression of their standards as […]
July 9, 2015 by Joyce Valenza
In an increasingly flattened world, the need to develop fluency in more than one language becomes increasingly critical for collaboration and participation. I recently discovered the FluentU website, as well as the recently launched FluentU iPhone app, for language learning on the go. Language learning has long been a back-burner kinda goal for me, but […]
January 1, 2014 by Joyce Valenza
I’ve been thinking a lot more about the notion of Genius Hour since Matthew and Sherry shared their plan for GeniusCon with me at AASL. I woke up to the New Year to discover Susan Oxnevad’s inspiring post and 6th grade teacher Chris Kesler’s Genius Hour site and his explanation: Everything about the Genius Hour model […]