100 Scope Notes
100 Scope Notes
by Travis Jonker
December 6, 2013 by Joyce Valenza
I’ve written about how we’ve use Mozilla Popcorn Maker to add life (pop-ups, maps, images, text, Wikipedia articles) to our German textbooks and to annotate Cold War propaganda films. This past week, we’ve explored its use in close reading of TED talks, with an eye toward deconstructing what makes a good speaker and a good speech. […]
November 8, 2013 by Joyce Valenza
In searching for great examples of presentations for our seniors, I happened upon the TED Playlists. They’re not really new, but they’re new to me. And these curated collections of TED Talks are a treasure! Some are curated by TED, others are guest curated by thought and cultural leaders like Dan Pink, Sir Ken Robinson, and Bono. […]
January 21, 2013 by Joyce Valenza
This week many of us will take the timely opportunity to study an important primary source–the Inaugural Address. The New York Times offers a fascinating interactive timeline of word clouds, summaries, and full-text documents. (I suspect today’s address will be posted shortly.) The timeline takes a look at the language of presidential inaugural addresses. The […]