A Fuse #8 Production
Heavy Medal
by Steven Engelfried
March 26, 2013 by Peter Gutierrez
While some readers may view particular story elements as clichés, a fan might see them as enduring archetypes...
November 28, 2012 by Peter Gutierrez
After leaving the test screening for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt. 1, I was bombarded with questions about literally every scene in the book.
November 26, 2012 by Peter Gutierrez
I hate to be a killjoy, but it’s important not to let fans get ahead of themselves...
October 27, 2012 by Peter Gutierrez
" I can see where it's alarming to see your kid looking like a corpse, but it's all part of rebellion, of saying the "regular" world of mortgages and wars and nuclear meltdown frightens them and they want to distance themselves from it..."
October 17, 2012 by Peter Gutierrez
Stories about tweens simply aren’t like those about teens or adults or "children”...
September 6, 2012 by Peter Gutierrez
If our job as educators is to engage the hearts and minds of our students I can think of no better pop cultural text than "This American Life" to uncover the silly, strange, and sublime states of the human condition with our students.
August 29, 2012 by Peter Gutierrez
The mainstream comics industry has been roundly (and justifiably) criticized for its problematic representation of women as well as its reluctance to acknowledge women as a fanbase with valid opinions.