100 Scope Notes
Heavy Medal
by Emily Mroczek-Bayci
A Fuse #8 Production
by Betsy Bird
February 28, 2019 by Joyce Valenza
One of my favorite new(ish) tools for curation is Wakelet. In the past I’ve used to to archive conferences, share lists of best lists, crowd-source current awareness, and to keep my personal favorite classroom teaching tips and strategies handy. (Happily I discovered Wakelet in the wake of the sudden demise of tools like Google+ Communities and Storify.) I […]
August 17, 2018 by Joyce Valenza
We create them on Spotify and YouTube and iTunes. Before music went digital, some of us made CD or cassette mixtapes and shared them as gifts. With our ability to ethically curate content and unglue it from its containers, and a growing array of digital tools and open education resources, many of us are engaging in a […]
August 12, 2018 by Joyce Valenza
The many, many years of formal professional development I’ve attended over many, many years in K12 education in no way equal the professional development opportunities I found for myself in the last few years across my online communities of practice and through open structure conferences that offered me choices and flexibility. Participate.com allows us to […]
December 5, 2017 by Joyce Valenza
It’s one of AASL’s Shared Foundations in the new National Standards. It’s identified as a leadership area on the Future Ready Librarians Framework. But what does it look like when the school librarian really dives into digital curation? A little while back I had the opportunity to create a video on school librarians and social media curation […]
July 5, 2017 by Joyce Valenza
Curation is a funny word. When my colleagues and I wrote our Social Media Curation Library Technology Report for ALA, we struggled with a definition. The folks we interviewed across library land curated in several different ways and we used the term curation differently depending on current community needs or where they were in any particular project. […]
February 17, 2016 by Joyce Valenza
I’ve added a new platform to my list of curation favorites. The Participate Learning search engine offers access to thousands of educator-vetted K12 learning resources–apps, videos, and websites. Apps, for both iOS and Android, as well as other learning resources, are browsable and searchable by keyword, category, or standard. Searches may be filtered by whether […]
October 12, 2015 by Joyce Valenza
So, what would happen if Pinterest and Symbaloo and Blendspace had a baby? Well, it might look a little like PopBoardz, one of my new favorite options for personal curation and presentation. PopBoardz allows you to organize the content you need and easily present from your iPad, iPhone or Mac desktop. For educators, it can […]