Good Comics for Kids
Teen Librarian Toolbox
by Amanda MacGregor
December 7, 2014 by Joyce Valenza
It’s Edublogs Award time. While we have an opportunity to vote for our faves on List.ly, I see this, more importantly, as an opportunity to make discoveries relating to important voices in the larger field. As you look at the nominees, be sure to look at and beyond the Librarian list. These nominees represent leadership. […]
May 20, 2014 by Joyce Valenza
Our Twitter feeds and searches and Tweetdeck display panels are just fine for everyday purposes, but for special occasions–conferences, meetings, professional development, and, perhaps, classes, you may want to dress up your feeds. These four tools allow you to display @signs and hashtags in more attractive, perhaps more usable, ways. I’ll demonstrate with #tlchat Tagboard (https://tagboard.com/) […]
September 14, 2013 by Joyce Valenza
I love searching Twitter. And I love sharing how a Twitter search can dramatically impact student research, by connecting them with experts, encouraging them to develop current awareness, allowing them to listen in on the dialog of a particular field or niche, and, in some cases, enabling them to contribute to the conversation. Learning to […]
October 28, 2012 by Joyce Valenza
Mommy, where do tweets come from? Now, there’s an easy answer thanks to the one million tweet map. Though this Mashable video ends with a Justin Bieber question, the map can be a media literacy tool, powerful for analyzing trends, how and where information flows, and perhaps, where and why it does not. It may […]
October 21, 2012 by Joyce Valenza
Compiled By: OnlineCollegeCourses.com So many of the teachers and teacher librarians I know continue as unconverted. They don’t yet see the value of Twitter as a tool for learning and keeping up. Beyond the walls of their own schools, they have yet to build a PLN. This new infographic from OnlineCollegeCourses.com offers quick visual reference […]
August 26, 2012 by Joyce Valenza
We’ve been playing around with the idea of beginning a live focused conversation around the hashtag #tlchat for quite some time. It’s the start of a new school year. Why not now? The goal is to get a conversation going on a particular evening around a focused topic, much in the same way that #edchat […]
August 10, 2012 by Joyce Valenza
A couple of years ago, while our students were engaged in a Middle East peace simulation, we discovered that Benjamin Netanyahu tweeted. In fact, we discovered that at least three folks who called themselves Benjamin Netanyahu were tweeting. Once we distinguished the real Bibi from the imposters, the students representing him were golden. They were […]